
Seagull flying against overcast sky.

What are seagulls?

Seagulls are typically medium to large birds that are ground nesting carnivores. They are usually grey or white and have black markings on their heads or wings. They tend to have a very loud wail or squawk. They range in size from the little gull, which weighs a mere 4 ounces, to the great black-backed gull, which weighs in at over 3 and a half pounds. These birds spend most of their time in large groups along the coastline. They are a subset of a long winged swimming bird, with 45 species of gulls. These birds are relatively intelligent and quite resourceful, often carrying mussels and other mollusks high into the air so that they can be dropped onto rocks to be broken and the soft meat inside can be consumed. Seagulls are excellent swimmers who are equally comfortable in the water and on land. They tend to be nuisances because they are scavenging birds that will eat pretty much anything, from dead fish to garbage, to insects or field mice.

Are they dangerous?

These birds can be a real nuisance along a coastal area, especially at the harbor or pier, as well as along dump sites and areas where garbage piles up. Flocks of gulls often can create hazards to low flying aircraft, especially when in close proximity to airports. Their droppings, which contain uric acid, can cause structural damage if allowed to build up on a rooftop or other area where these birds loiter. Their droppings can also cause serious health risks for people.

How do you keep seagulls away from your property?

Controlling these birds can be very difficult and that’s why our services may include a combination of products and techniques. Corrective landscaping, barriers and exclusion methods may all be used to rid your property of these annoying and potentially damaging birds.

Can I do it myself?

Seagulls are classified as a migratory bird by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and thus are protected by federal and state laws. A permit would have to be issued by the US Fish and Wildlife Service for most control options. In addition, due to the complexity of treatment and the time required, seagulls are not generally a pest many people have success in eradicating without the help of a professional. Beware when purchasing products online as many are not effective. Pesticides are not typically effective against birds.

How soon can you get here?

Our customers are our top priority. Your Wil-Kil technician is 100% committed to helping you as soon as possible.

Is the treatment safe?

Wil-Kil Pest Control does not use chemicals to control seagulls. We make use of methods such as wires, spikes, netting, gels, drones and removal of eggs and nests as forms of treatment so that you can be certain your family, your employees and your customers remain safe from our exclusion techniques.

How can I prevent this in the future?

Seagull problems can be difficult to prevent. Oftentimes one of the best ways to prevent pest bird problems is to eliminate the environments that attract these birds. Our professionals are dedicated to getting rid of these pests and finding ways to make sure they don’t return.  Many of our clients choose year-round service against pest birds for the protection of their home or business.

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Seagulls in Sun Prairie, WI

Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.

Serving Sun Prairie | Chippewa Falls | Menomonee Falls | Appleton

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