Wil-Kil Pest Control

The New Homeowner’s Guide to Pest Management

Keys in door lock opening door.

The process of buying your first home is incredibly exciting… but it can also be daunting. For new homeowners, knowing what questions to ask and what places to check are often uncharted territory. It’s common for first-time buyers to have a professional examine places like your roof, foundation and HVAC to make sure these structures and systems are in good condition. The structural integrity of your home isn’t the only reason to look at these places, though. Common household pests like mice, ants and more can enter through various gaps and cracks in these systems.

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For some mortgage lenders, a professional pest inspection will be required. This is mostly to identify any signs of wood destroying insects like termites, carpenter ants and woodboring beetles. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires homes they finance to have this inspection made by a certified pest control provider before final approval.

Whether you are in this situation or not, it is a responsible homeowner practice to have this type of inspection done to save time and money later. Termites aren’t as common in the Upper Midwest, however, there are pockets of them. Wil-Kil provides wood-destroying insect inspections and general inspections to identify any other pests that may be present.

Don’t worry, if you’re already enjoying your new home and you haven’t had a chance to schedule a pest inspection yet, here are a few around the house tips to keep pests from entering your new home!

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Quick Tips:

If you are browsing for homes, have put in an offer, or are moving in tomorrow, keep these tips in mind and schedule an inspection with Wil-Kil.

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