:Tag:wisconsin pest control
10 12, 2014

How To Tell If You Have Mice + What To Do About It

December 10th, 2014|Rodents|

It's easy to tell if you have mice when they're scraping and bumping in your bedroom walls. But many mice will find other routes from the attic to the kitchen, or simply live in the pantry or kitchen wall voids since they like to be close to their food source. If you hear mice in your bedroom walls, you're one of the lucky ones. Mice are exceptionally timid and not easily detected in a home. They quietly scurry along the wall and disappear under cabinets if they hear anyone coming. The National Pest Management Association even makes the claim that if you see a mouse in your kitchen, it's a pretty good indication there are many living in your home. Over population and limited food sources make mice more desperate and willing to take greater chances.

20 11, 2014

Exclusion Tips To Seal Out Overwintering Pests

November 20th, 2014|Fall Pests, Hibernating insect control, Pest Prevention, Wildlife control|

Exclusion. Have you heard the term? Do you know what it means? Well, the golden age of Pesticides is behind us. Pest companies no longer come to your house and douse everything--including your bed--in a heavy coating of pesticides. Though this method was highly effective at killing bugs, it did a pretty good job of making humans sick too. In this modern day, pest control companies rely on a worldwide database of pest information to "exclude" pests from your home. Think of exclusion as a sort of cold shoulder. If we were talking about a human pest, exclusion would come in the form of, perhaps, not answering the door, not returning a phone call, or putting a lock on the door.

6 11, 2014

How NOT To Get The Mouse Out Of Your House

November 6th, 2014|Rodents|

Have you tried to catch a mouse with little or no success? Many have. This is because mice are very cautious creatures. If you slap a mouse trap down with a little cheese on it, there is a good chance that trap will be licked clean in the morning, and you'll have no mouse to show for it. This can be frustrating. Really frustrating. So, let's walk through some of the don'ts to mouse catching, and see if we can solve the problem.

18 08, 2014

Get Rid Of Ants With Wil-Kil Pest Control

August 18th, 2014|Ants|

Ants are the number one pest problem for homeowners all across the US. Small ants like the pavement ant are typically associated with our kitchens, as they can be seen crawling over the counters and floors.

18 06, 2014

Don’t Let Mosquitoes Ruin Your Summer Event

June 18th, 2014|Mosquito control, Mosquitoes|

Here in Wisconsin, mosquitoes seem to take over once the summer weather hits. Not only do they cover us in itchy mosquito bites, they seem to take great pleasure in driving us indoors during the best part of the year. Wil-Kil understands how annoying these biting insects can be, which is why we’ve put together a few mosquito prevention tips.

15 05, 2014

Menomonee Falls Patch: Wil-Kil Pest Control’s Pest of the Month: Tips for Pest Proofing Your Home This Spring!

May 15th, 2014|News|

Spring has finally sprung....time to get outdoors and enjoy! But don't forget, pests love spring too, so be sure to check out these pest prevention tips from Shane McCoy!

20 02, 2014

Milwaukee Rodent Control Pros On How To Tell If You Have Mice

February 20th, 2014|Rodents|

As pest control specialists at Wil-Kil, we often get asked the question: “Are mice dangerous?” Our answer is YES! Rodents like mice and rats are not guests that you want staying with you for the winter. These pests are known for spreading serious diseases like Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and Salmonellosis, among many others.

6 12, 2013

Professional Pest Control Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs This Holiday

December 6th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

Avoiding bed bugs during the holiday season can be more challenging than during the rest of the year. With people traveling to see friends and families for the holidays, there will be even more bed bugs around than usual. Visiting hotels, using public transportation and even visiting the homes of friends and families can all cause you to come into contact with bed bugs. And when you’ve come into contact with these hitchhiking bloodsuckers, there’s a very good chance you will unknowingly pick them up during your journeys.

13 11, 2013

Bed Bugs Gearing Up For A Busy Holiday Travel Season

November 13th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

As we get ready to travel for the holidays, so do bed bugs. These insects are excellent hitchhikers, catching a ride on anything they can find so that they may follow you to your next destination. If you have bed bugs in your home, they may hide away in your suitcase, joining you on your holiday travels.

8 10, 2013

Bed Bugs Have No DIY Solution

October 8th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

Bed bugs in Wisconsin are not making quite as many headlines as they were last year at this time, but that doesn’t mean they are going away. At Wil-Kil Pest Control, we still get phone calls daily from people that have a bed bug infestation. Almost every customer we have heard from tells us that they’ve tried everything on their own to get rid of these bugs to no avail.

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