:Tag:wil-kil pest control
19 11, 2019

Are Small Mice Really That Dangerous In Homes?

November 19th, 2019|Rodents|

It can be hard to decide whether mice are cute or gross. While these tiny rodents can be quite innocent looking, don’t be deceived. Mice in Eau Claire and throughout Wisconsin will take advantage of any small openings to get inside homes as the weather begins to cool off this fall.

6 10, 2019

How Do Mice Get In?

October 6th, 2019|Pest Prevention, Rodents|

Mice chew through walls to get behind your cabinets and climb into drawers. They gnaw through pantry food packages, cereal boxes, pet food bags, and other cardboard or paper packaging. In addition to causing serious damage, mice can carry bacteria and disease in their fur and inside their bellies.

20 05, 2015

Pest Birds Damage Your Facility And Your Image

May 20th, 2015|Bird control, Pest birds, Pest Prevention|

Have you ever been walking up the sidewalk to a business establishment only to see that unsightly view of bird droppings covering the area all around the building? You automatically look up—just in time to see the fly by shooting of a bird bomb splat right in front of you. Suddenly, your desire to do business has waned as you carefully step around the bird droppings in your retreat.

27 03, 2015

Even Uncle Sam Needs Pest Control

March 27th, 2015|Termites|

When you think of the U.S. Government you think of high-tech spy satellites, stealth bombers, cutting edge surveillance technologies and rooms filled with men and women debating the solutions to our world's problems. You don't think of termites. But even Uncle Sam has had its share of insect invasion.

27 02, 2015

Termite Swarms Demystified

February 27th, 2015|Termites|

Have you seen a swarm? Have you wondered what type of insect would fill the skies, engulf a street light, and cover a whole side of your house? There are a few of them. But we are going to focus on the worst one of them all.

20 02, 2015

For All Those Mess Makers

February 20th, 2015|Pest Prevention|

Seen here in its natural habitat, the North American mess maker is a creature that can thrive in the stickiest of environments. Not easily taken to living in captivity, the mess maker can be found getting into protected areas in search of items of a confectionery nature. When caught, this little critter uses a self-defense mechanism to subdue predatory disciplinarians with its adorable curls and wide eyes. Though not technically considered a pest, the North American mess maker can set the conditions for other pest creatures to infest your home. Here are some tips for minimizing the damage.

28 01, 2015

Winter Weather And Pest Invasion

January 28th, 2015|Hibernating insect control, Pest Prevention|

There are a lot of things that can damage your home in winter: heavy wet snow on the roof, ice on gutters and eaves, expansion and contraction, and high winds. When winter weather conditions hit your home, you should be watching closely. There are many pests that don't hibernate and they are waiting to find a hole in your defenses--if they're not already chewing one. Here is a short list of pests and what they are hoping winter weather will do to your house.

14 01, 2015

Where Did All These Flies Come From?

January 14th, 2015|Fly control, Flying Insects|

You might wonder sometimes where all the flies keep coming from. They can be quite mysterious. In ancient times people believed that flies spontaneously generated out of dead or rotting meat. But the truth is simple enough for a child to understand. You see, when mommy and daddy fly love each other very much--um, you get the point.

22 09, 2014

Sun Prairie Star: Wil-Kil Pest Control Celebrates Nine Decades in Business

September 22nd, 2014|News, Sun Prairie|

Wil-Kil Pest Control may be an industry leader serving thousands of clients across the upper Midwest, but it still has plenty of small town hospitality and accessibility. And those qualities are evident in the fact that Wil-Kil this month celebrates its 90th year in business.

4 09, 2014

Wil-Kil Pest Control Celebrates 90 Years of Pest Management

September 4th, 2014|News|

Local pest management company reflects on 90 years of innovation, service and expertise

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