27 07, 2021

Carpenter Ants vs. Termites

July 27th, 2021|Carpenter Ants, Pest Prevention, Pests, Termites|

Although they may look different to the trained eye, termites and carpenter ants do share common features, characteristics, and behavior—making these insects difficult to tell [...]

27 03, 2015

Even Uncle Sam Needs Pest Control

March 27th, 2015|Termites|

When you think of the U.S. Government you think of high-tech spy satellites, stealth bombers, cutting edge surveillance technologies and rooms filled with men and women debating the solutions to our world's problems. You don't think of termites. But even Uncle Sam has had its share of insect invasion.

27 02, 2015

Termite Swarms Demystified

February 27th, 2015|Termites|

Have you seen a swarm? Have you wondered what type of insect would fill the skies, engulf a street light, and cover a whole side of your house? There are a few of them. But we are going to focus on the worst one of them all.

4 03, 2014

Where Do Bugs Go During Winters In Wisconsin

March 4th, 2014|Ants|

Have you ever wondered where bugs go during the cold Milwaukee winters? Well, even if finding out that answer hasn’t been keeping you up at night, the experts at Wil-Kil want to fill you in on where the bugs are and what they are doing.

25 04, 2012

Are They Ants or Termites?

April 25th, 2012|Ants, Termites|

With so many insects crawling and flying around this spring it can be hard to tell which is which. Many insects do have a distinct size, shape, or color but when it comes to ants and termites, many Wisconsin homeowners are left wondering what is invading their home or property.

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