:Tag:pest prevention
18 08, 2021

Asian Lady Beetles: How to Keep These “Bad Ladybugs” Out of Your Home

August 18th, 2021|Beetles, Blog|

Asian Lady Beetles might be pleasant to look at, but they can definitely become a nuisance to deal with when found around your home. Also [...]

31 05, 2021

Bed Bugs: The Worst Vacation Souvenir

May 31st, 2021|Bed Bugs, Pest Prevention, Pests|

You’ve gone on vacation and had a lovely time. You’ve seen the sights, sampled the local cuisine, and have had a fun time away from [...]

20 03, 2015

The Importance Of Natural Pest Management In Hospitals

March 20th, 2015|Healthcare, Wisconsin Pest Control|

If the title of this article caught your eye, there is a good chance you are a doctor, or a health care professional. I'm sure you are aware that bacterial illness and disease must be suppressed continually. Instruments must be sterilized, hands must be washed, and rooms must be kept clean to protect patients with weakened immune systems, and prevent disease from spreading. This is not place for rats, mice, cockroaches, flies, and other illness-spreading pests. It is also not the place for pesticides.

20 02, 2015

For All Those Mess Makers

February 20th, 2015|Pest Prevention|

Seen here in its natural habitat, the North American mess maker is a creature that can thrive in the stickiest of environments. Not easily taken to living in captivity, the mess maker can be found getting into protected areas in search of items of a confectionery nature. When caught, this little critter uses a self-defense mechanism to subdue predatory disciplinarians with its adorable curls and wide eyes. Though not technically considered a pest, the North American mess maker can set the conditions for other pest creatures to infest your home. Here are some tips for minimizing the damage.

20 11, 2014

Exclusion Tips To Seal Out Overwintering Pests

November 20th, 2014|Fall Pests, Hibernating insect control, Pest Prevention, Wildlife control|

Exclusion. Have you heard the term? Do you know what it means? Well, the golden age of Pesticides is behind us. Pest companies no longer come to your house and douse everything--including your bed--in a heavy coating of pesticides. Though this method was highly effective at killing bugs, it did a pretty good job of making humans sick too. In this modern day, pest control companies rely on a worldwide database of pest information to "exclude" pests from your home. Think of exclusion as a sort of cold shoulder. If we were talking about a human pest, exclusion would come in the form of, perhaps, not answering the door, not returning a phone call, or putting a lock on the door.

29 07, 2014

Wisconsin State Journal: Wil-Kil’s Shane McCoy stresses prevention, education over spraying to control creepy crawlies

July 29th, 2014|News|

Shane McCoy shares with the Wisconsin State Journal the importance of prevention and eduction when it comes to the battle with pests.

17 02, 2014

MenomoneeFallsNOW: Buggin’ Out With Wil-Kil Pest Control: Tips for a Pest-Free 2014

February 17th, 2014|News|

With the frigid Wisconsin weather keeping you trapped inside, now is the perfect time to take some simple precautions to ensure that your home will be pest free in 2014. Here are eight helpful home improvement tips to start the year of right.

6 12, 2013

Professional Pest Control Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs This Holiday

December 6th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

Avoiding bed bugs during the holiday season can be more challenging than during the rest of the year. With people traveling to see friends and families for the holidays, there will be even more bed bugs around than usual. Visiting hotels, using public transportation and even visiting the homes of friends and families can all cause you to come into contact with bed bugs. And when you’ve come into contact with these hitchhiking bloodsuckers, there’s a very good chance you will unknowingly pick them up during your journeys.

20 11, 2013

Keep An Eye Out For These Holiday Pest Invaders

November 20th, 2013|Bed Bugs, Rodents|

Holiday pest prevention may not be on the top of your list of to-dos, but it should be! The Eau Claire pest control professionals at Wil-Kil Pest Control know that if your home is riddled with pests, you will not be enjoying this coming holiday season! Luckily there are a lot of things you can do to prevent pests like pantry bugs, rodents, roaches and bed bugs from invading your home in the holiday season and most of them are pretty simple!

19 09, 2013

Stinging Insect Identification And Prevention

September 19th, 2013|Stinging Insects|

Did you know that stinging insects can continue to be a problem through the fall? Many people don’t know this fact, unless they’ve been witness to these buzzing insects flying around their fall picnics and BBQs. But lately we’ve gotten a few phone calls from concerned homeowners who have gotten a little too close and personal with these insects that are nesting inside their homes.

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