:Tag:pest control
9 06, 2015

Wil-Kil Pest Control Recognized at Dane County Small Business Awards

June 9th, 2015|News|

Wil-Kil Pest Control was a winner at the Dane County Small Business Awards June 4, 2015 at the Sheraton Madison Hotel. Wil-Kil was recognized during the award presentation for having the most experienced technician staff in the Midwest, with more Associate Certified Entomologists and Wisconsin Pest Control Master Technicians than any other Midwestern pest management company, as well as for their dedication to ensuring positive client experiences.

21 04, 2015

WISN 12 Milwaukee: Preventing Pests this Spring

April 21st, 2015|News|

Regional Manager Randy Allen made a visit to WISN 12 to provide the latest update on spring pests – including the emersion of over-wintering pests. What are we seeing now and, more importantly, what can you do to keep the bugs at bay? Check out Randy’s interview to find out!

7 01, 2015

Do Mice Really Spread Lice?

January 7th, 2015|Pest Prevention, Rodents|

There is a common misconception that lice begin in the homes of dirty people, and that we can protect ourselves by not sharing hats, scarves, and other clothing that touch near the head. Though these precautions can help prevent the spread of lice, it is patently absurd to believe that lice spontaneously appear on the heads of dirty people. They are insects. Like all insects, the only way they are going to get into your hair, is by crawling or flying into it. Since they don't fly, the most common way you'll get lice is by the above ways. You put on a hat that someone with lice wore, and those lice mosey on into your hair. But there is a grander picture I want you to see. A topic that usually gets skirted over when you read anything about lice. Namely, where do lice come from?

19 09, 2013

Stinging Insect Identification And Prevention

September 19th, 2013|Stinging Insects|

Did you know that stinging insects can continue to be a problem through the fall? Many people don’t know this fact, unless they’ve been witness to these buzzing insects flying around their fall picnics and BBQs. But lately we’ve gotten a few phone calls from concerned homeowners who have gotten a little too close and personal with these insects that are nesting inside their homes.

1 01, 2012

Resolutions For A Pest Free Home

January 1st, 2012|Pest Prevention|

With the start of the New Year in Madison, Milwaukee and surrounding areas of Wisconsin, it is time to make your resolutions. This year, focus on resolutions that will benefit you and your family by creating a pest free home.

18 12, 2011

Avoiding Hantavirus For The Holidays

December 18th, 2011|Rodents|

Lots of preparation goes into the holiday season, especially here at Wil-Kil. A lot of us here have families, so we know what goes into creating an exciting and fun holiday celebration that the whole family can enjoy. We spend a lot of time stringing lights on the outsides of our homes, decorating the insides of our homes with ornaments, wreaths and holiday figurines and spending time in the kitchen, baking up holiday treats to share with friends and family and to create that all important holiday meal. Most people do very little pest prevention this time of year, because pests are not on our radar during this joyful season. Unfortunately, if you don’t do some pest prevention, you could end up with a pest invasion as the weather gets colder and your holiday season will be ruined as the pitter patter of tiny mouse feet run through your attic.

30 09, 2011

Recognizing And Avoiding Stinging Insects

September 30th, 2011|Stinging Insects|

As the weather gets cooler and fall seems to just be a few cool nights away, we get more and more calls from concerned people regarding wasps, bees and other stinging insects and what can be done to get rid of them. Sometimes these insects can be beneficial, but they can also pose a very serious health risk if they’ve built their nests in the eaves of your home. Many people tend to have allergic reactions towards bee and wasp stings, so it’s important to keep these pests away from your structure and your family.

Now, what kind of stinging insect is swarming around your home? Yellow jackets, bald faced hornets and paper wasps are the most common type of wasp that people come into contact with. These insects have a smooth, shiny and slender appearance. Bees are fatter and tend to be larger, with fuzzy bodies that have dashes of yellow and black, or sometimes brown. Both of these insects will sting you if they feel they have been threatened, but wasps are the more aggressive of the two, with a desperate desire to protect their nests.

16 09, 2011

Keeping Mice Out Is More Than Just Setting Out Traps Or Bait

September 16th, 2011|Rodents|

If you’ve ever opened a cupboard in your home and come face to face with a little mouse, you probably realize that setting mice traps to catch these annoying pests is not enough. Even as you empty one successful trap, there could still be more of these rodents wandering through your cupboards, under your floors and in your attic. To completely eliminate mice and prevent new rodent activity, it is absolutely necessary to correct the conditions in and around your home that may invite the entry of these pesky creatures.

2 03, 2011

Wil-Kil Pest Control Obtains Second Bed Bug Canine for Hire

March 2nd, 2011|Bed Bugs, News|

Bed Bug Canine Inspection Services combined with heat treatment services continue to be the most effective method in bed bug prevention and treatment

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