:Tag:Integrated Pest Management
27 03, 2015

Even Uncle Sam Needs Pest Control

March 27th, 2015|Termites|

When you think of the U.S. Government you think of high-tech spy satellites, stealth bombers, cutting edge surveillance technologies and rooms filled with men and women debating the solutions to our world's problems. You don't think of termites. But even Uncle Sam has had its share of insect invasion.

20 03, 2015

The Importance Of Natural Pest Management In Hospitals

March 20th, 2015|Healthcare, Wisconsin Pest Control|

If the title of this article caught your eye, there is a good chance you are a doctor, or a health care professional. I'm sure you are aware that bacterial illness and disease must be suppressed continually. Instruments must be sterilized, hands must be washed, and rooms must be kept clean to protect patients with weakened immune systems, and prevent disease from spreading. This is not place for rats, mice, cockroaches, flies, and other illness-spreading pests. It is also not the place for pesticides.

20 02, 2013

How The FSMA Affects Your Wisconsin Facility

February 20th, 2013|Manufacturing, Wisconsin Pest Control|

If you own or manage a food and/or beverage processing facility then you know that food safety is of the utmost importance. There have always been standards, laws, and regulations in place for food safety but now the FDA is taking food safety standards to a new level. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law on January 4, 2011. Those in the food industry should expect even higher standard of food safety and a lot more documentation and record keeping requirements.

28 12, 2011

Pet Safe Pest Control

December 28th, 2011|Pest Prevention|

Having a pet in your home comes with a lot of responsibilities, but one that most people don’t think about is protecting the health of your pets from the methods used in your home to eradicate pests like spiders, flies, ants and rodents. Pet safe pest control is important to keep in mind, because your pets are susceptible to pesticide chemicals the same way that humans are susceptible. At Wil-Kil Pest Control, we understand that the safety of your family and your pets is very important to you, and it’s important to us too. We want to help protect your home and family from invading pests through pet safe pest control techniques, and that is why we employ the use of Integrated Pest Management techniques.

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