:Tag:bed bugs
31 05, 2021

Bed Bugs: The Worst Vacation Souvenir

May 31st, 2021|Bed Bugs, Pest Prevention, Pests|

You’ve gone on vacation and had a lovely time. You’ve seen the sights, sampled the local cuisine, and have had a fun time away from [...]

8 12, 2015

An Airbnb Host’s Guide to Bed Bugs

December 8th, 2015|Bed Bugs, Lodging & hospitality|

In the age of the “sharing economy,” companies such as Airbnb and HomeAway have drastically changed options regarding travel accommodations. With nearly two million combined [...]

8 06, 2015

It’s Bed Bug Awareness Week

June 8th, 2015|Bed Bugs|

Did you know that many pest control companies across the country see an increase in calls about bed bugs once summer hits? It’s true and it can be attributed to increased travel as many families and individuals take off to enjoy a summer getaway. Since it’s Bed Bug Awareness Week, it seems like a great time to blog about these biting pests.

9 04, 2015

Strange Facts Surrounding Bed Bugs

April 9th, 2015|Bed Bugs|

There are some disgusting bugs in the world, but I'm sure you would agree with me when I say that bed bugs sit somewhere near the top of the gross list. There is something about being eaten alive while you sleep. It's just wrong, on so many levels. But these bugs are also veiled in mystery and intrigue. In the spirit of April's Fools Day, see which of the following bed bug facts are true and which belong in the National Enquirer.

13 02, 2015

Bed Bug Primer For Businesses And Travelers

February 13th, 2015|Bed Bugs|

The bed bug, or Cimex lectularius, is a rust-colored blood-eating insect that spreads by traveling with humans. Inside a home or business a female bed bug can produce over 4,000 offspring in a six month period, given optimal conditions. What are optimal conditions? Contrary to what you might have heard, these bugs do not require a dirty place to make their home. They can be found in luxury accommodations and the most opulent of homes. These bugs require only one thing to breed and live: a blood meal. Regardless of this fact, there is still a stigma attached to these bugs, and having them can be a humiliating and reputation damaging experience for a business or family. This primer will show you what to look for and how to detect these bugs early.

28 01, 2015

Winter Weather And Pest Invasion

January 28th, 2015|Hibernating insect control, Pest Prevention|

There are a lot of things that can damage your home in winter: heavy wet snow on the roof, ice on gutters and eaves, expansion and contraction, and high winds. When winter weather conditions hit your home, you should be watching closely. There are many pests that don't hibernate and they are waiting to find a hole in your defenses--if they're not already chewing one. Here is a short list of pests and what they are hoping winter weather will do to your house.

19 12, 2014

There’s No Need To Fear, Bed Bug Dogs Are Here!

December 19th, 2014|Bed Bugs|

Imagine you are driving down your street, and as you go to pull into your driveway, you notice that your neighbors house looks like a scene right out of the X-files. Giant hoses run from several windows down to official looking machines littered about the lawn. What would your first response be? Probably something like, "great! The neighbors have bugs." This would be followed by a quick mental checklist of how many times your neighbors have visited your house in the last year. It is only natural. You'll want to protect your family.

25 03, 2014

WKOW: Bed bugs on the rise during spring travel season

March 25th, 2014|Bed Bugs, Bed bugs, News|

It's that time of year yet again...time for fun, sun and walks in the sand, but if you're a spring breaker, beware. Here are some great tips for you to help ensure you don't bring home more than souvenirs and a sunburn.

6 12, 2013

Professional Pest Control Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs This Holiday

December 6th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

Avoiding bed bugs during the holiday season can be more challenging than during the rest of the year. With people traveling to see friends and families for the holidays, there will be even more bed bugs around than usual. Visiting hotels, using public transportation and even visiting the homes of friends and families can all cause you to come into contact with bed bugs. And when you’ve come into contact with these hitchhiking bloodsuckers, there’s a very good chance you will unknowingly pick them up during your journeys.

13 11, 2013

Bed Bugs Gearing Up For A Busy Holiday Travel Season

November 13th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

As we get ready to travel for the holidays, so do bed bugs. These insects are excellent hitchhikers, catching a ride on anything they can find so that they may follow you to your next destination. If you have bed bugs in your home, they may hide away in your suitcase, joining you on your holiday travels.

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