:Tag:bed bug extermination
4 09, 2019

Preparing For A Bed Bug Heat Treatment

September 4th, 2019|Bed Bugs|

Wil-Kil’s eco-friendly bed bug heat treatment circulates hot air at temperatures over 120 degrees throughout infested areas to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Before our thermal radiation specialists can begin heat treatment, there are preparation measures that need to be taken.

27 11, 2014

The Biggest Threat To Bed Bugs: Heat

November 27th, 2014|Bed Bugs|

You've heard the old saying, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen?". Well, in the case of bed bugs it's, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the house." If you've discovered bed bugs in your home, someone may have told you this already. Heat is how you get bed bugs out. But heat alone will not solve a bed bug problem.

13 11, 2014

How NOT To Bring Bed Bugs Home For The Holidays

November 13th, 2014|Bed Bugs|

Do you have college-age kids? This is when they'll be coming home on break. It will be a time of smiles, laughter and gifts. A time to hear stories of life in the dorms, talk about future plans, and hear how classes have been going. However, it could also be a time of gestation. Often, unknowingly, your kids bring bugs home with them.

6 12, 2013

Professional Pest Control Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs This Holiday

December 6th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

Avoiding bed bugs during the holiday season can be more challenging than during the rest of the year. With people traveling to see friends and families for the holidays, there will be even more bed bugs around than usual. Visiting hotels, using public transportation and even visiting the homes of friends and families can all cause you to come into contact with bed bugs. And when you’ve come into contact with these hitchhiking bloodsuckers, there’s a very good chance you will unknowingly pick them up during your journeys.

8 10, 2013

Bed Bugs Have No DIY Solution

October 8th, 2013|Bed Bugs|

Bed bugs in Wisconsin are not making quite as many headlines as they were last year at this time, but that doesn’t mean they are going away. At Wil-Kil Pest Control, we still get phone calls daily from people that have a bed bug infestation. Almost every customer we have heard from tells us that they’ve tried everything on their own to get rid of these bugs to no avail.

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