As colder months approach we all love to stay warm and cozy in our homes, but how do we prevent rodents from doing the same? Before freezing temperatures sneak up, fall is the perfect time to take preventative measures to protect your home from rodents.

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Rodents can be harmful as they bring unwanted diseases and bacteria into your home and enjoy chewing on whatever they can find which can cause damage. Follow these tips provided by Wil-Kil to prepare your home for cold weather pest prevention, and more specifically, rodent prevention.

Seal Any Cracks and Holes

The first step to prevent rodents from entering your home is by blocking any potential entryways – in pest management, we call this exclusion. Materials like caulk and steel wool are great tools for sealing cracks, holes, and crevices. If you choose to make these repairs on your own, don’t forget to check areas of your home that you are not usually in, such as storage closets, basements, attics, and utility spaces. The last thing you want is any rodent chewing and breaking any pipes or wires causing long-term, expensive damage.

It will also help to replace any weather-stripping or damaged mortar around windows and the foundation of your home. This will help eliminate entry points for pests, rodents, and the cold weather. Additionally, make sure you have strong screens on your vents or chimney for added protection. If you’d rather leave the exclusion to the professionals to ensure every nook and cranny is sealed, consider hiring one of our pest control specialists to perform rodent exclusion.

Time to Organize

In order to prevent a mouse or rat in your home, you will want to get rid of any piles of clutter. Whether it be clothes or paperwork, pick up your belongings off the floor and organize them into boxes or onto shelves. Be sure to check in dark, secluded areas as these are ideal hiding spots for rodents.

Not only will tidying up keep rodents from seeking refuge among your belongings, it will also give you the chance to organize any piles of clutter you have been meaning to get to for a while – win-win!

Get Rid of Moisture

If a rodent finds its way into your home, it will extend its stay if it finds moisture in your home. Repair any clogged drains or leaking pipes throughout your home to prevent an infestation. Throughout fall and winter, keep your basement and attic moisture-free and ventilated by plugging in a floor fan or dehumidifier. This will eliminate excess moisture and ultimately, the buildup of mildew.

Also, if your family stores any firewood outdoors, place your stock at least 20-feet away from your home. Any sort of wet wood will also attract rodents to your property, which is definitely something to avoid.

Remove Sources of Food and Water

Rodents are constantly on the hunt for any food and water they can find. No matter where you keep your food, be sure that it is kept completely closed at all times. Seal all packages and containers of food tightly, as rodents are sneaky and will try their best to eat what you have to offer. Keep your food in higher areas of your home, such as cabinets, pantries, and shelves so they are harder for rodents to find.

The cleanliness of your home will also make a big difference. Regularly wipe up any spills or crumbs on your floors and counters to ensure rodents don’t have another food source. Lastly, don’t let your trash overflow and take it out often, because rodents are not picky eaters.

Don’t Neglect the Yard

We can all agree that yard work is unpleasant in frigid temperatures, which is why you will want to tackle it while it is still warm out. Any trees that have limbs close to your roof or windows allow easy access for rodents, so be sure to trim those down. In addition to trees, any vines or tall bushes should also be cut to eliminate entry points. Don’t let your grass or shrubbery get too tall either as this creates the perfect hiding spot for a rodent. Fall brings lots of leaves into your yard so be sure to rake them up, because a pile of leaves is the perfect nest for a rodent.

Cleanliness isn’t Everything

Even if you’ve followed all of our tips to the letter and still have mice invading your home, don’t get discouraged. Rodents are sneaky and can fit into spaces smaller than the width of a pencil. Having a clean home won’t guarantee that rodents won’t make their way inside, but a clean home does make it harder for rodents to thrive. It’s important to remember that while mice and rats are looking for food, they are also looking for shelter and will find it whether there is ample accessible food or not.

Contact Wil-Kil for Professional Help

If rodents decide to make their way into your home this winter, ask the professionals for help. Sometimes personal pest prevention doesn’t always go as planned, which is why Wil-Kil is here to help. We offer special services for individual pests and a variety of EnviroGuard® home protection plans.

With advanced technology and training, our pest professionals want to help you protect your home from any pest or rodent infestation this winter. Contact us today to see how we can be of service for you and your home or business.

Rodent Prevention Tips for Your Home this Fall in Sun Prairie, WI

Wil-Kil Pest Control is a local Pest Control and Extermination company helping homeowners and businesses with pest issues across WI.

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