Wil-Kil Pest Control

Pet Safe Pest Control

Having a pet in your home comes with a lot of responsibilities, but one that most people don’t think about is protecting the health of your pets from the methods used in your home to eradicate pests like spiders, flies, ants and rodents. Pet safe pest control is important to keep in mind, because your pets are susceptible to pesticide chemicals the same way that humans are susceptible. At Wil-Kil Pest Control, we understand that the safety of your family and your pets is very important to you, and it’s important to us too. We want to help protect your home and family from invading pests through pet safe pest control techniques, and that is why we employ the use of Integrated Pest Management techniques.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques are pest control methods that address the pest problem holistically, looking to all possible pest exclusion solutions before deciding to use pesticides and chemicals. The professionals at Wil-Kil are experts at IPM solutions and want to do everything they can in your home to protect it from pests before they bring in any chemicals.

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(800) 236-8735

There are some IPM solutions that you can implement on your own, before calling in the professionals. These include locating the issues in your environment that may be inviting to pests and rectifying these problems. Some pest prevention methods include:

If you have done all these pest prevention techniques and find that you still have pests in your Wisconsin home or business, feel free to contact the professionals at Wil-Kil Pest Control.  Our service professionals will discuss your pest control options with you to devise a control program that will work with your specific needs, your home and your family.  If they need to use chemicals to control your pest problems, they will let you know what you can do to protect both the human and animal members of your family from the chemicals they have employed.  For more information on EnviroGuard™, our pest control concept that maintains a responsible balance between concerns about pests, with concerns about health, safety, and the environment, click here.

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