Wil-Kil Pest Control

Helpful Tips To Avoid Ticks

It was a mild winter and an early start to the spring for many in Wisconsin, and already it is time to bring out the grill and plan some outdoor activities and maybe even a hiking trip. For those eager to enjoy the spring season outside, a word of caution. Ticks in Wisconsin have made an early return along with the spring and unfortunately people and pets may be on the receiving end of a tick bite. Because Deer ticks are known to transmit Lyme disease, it is even more important to be aware of the risks and to be prepared.

There’s no reason that you should avoid nature and great outdoors this year even when the forecast calls for more ticks than usual. From the experts in Wisconsin pest control at Wil-Kil, here are some helpful tips to for you, your family, and even your pets avoid ticks this year.

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Worrying about ticks should not keep you indoors throughout the warmer part of the year; simply exercise caution and contact your pest control provider to protect your home and property from ticks and other pests.  For those in Madison, Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin and Wil-Kil’s service area, you can trust our professional pest control pros to protect your home with our highly effective Home Protection Plan. Contact Wil-Kil today to help you fight off common household pests this spring and all year long.

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