Wil-Kil Pest Control

Fall is the Time to Rodent-Proof Your Business

Commercial building surrounded by trees in the fall.

Fall is finally here! The weather is cooling down, the air is crisper and unfortunately, pests are starting to move indoors. You still have some time to prepare your business, though, for pests that are problematic in the winter. These are often rodents and other small mammals which can be the biggest threat to your brand and property. Once there’s snow on the ground, it becomes much more difficult to prevent rodents from returning even after you think you’ve “squashed” the problem. Wil-Kil has a few tips to keep you prepared while there’s still time.

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Why are rodents worse in the winter?

Unlike overwintering insects (such as Asian lady beetles, boxelder bugs and stink bugs) that move indoors to hibernate, rodents stay active year-round. However, they are much worse in the winter as they seek warmth from buildings and for food. The usual vegetation they feed on is dormant, which is why they will look for alternative food sources indoors.

Do rodents really cause that much damage?

It’s estimated that the cost of repairing damage caused by rodents is $20 billion per year – so yes they certainly can cause damage to your building. Mice and rats chew through wire which not only damages your electrical work but can be a huge fire hazard. It’s estimated that roughly 20% of property fires without a known source are caused by rodents!

The other big threat rodents pose is to your brand’s reputation. If your establishment is client-facing, they will not be pleased by the sight of a rodent, and for good reason. Not only are they unappealing to look at, but they also carry at least 35 known diseases which can spread pretty much wherever they go – including counters and other food storage areas.

So, what can you do?

As mentioned earlier, you want to reduce the chances of a rodent problem ever occurring. The best pest problem is the one that never happened. That’s why we recommend looking to the exterior of your building to prevent rodents before they find a way in. Here are a few measures you can take to reduce your building’s appeal to rodents:

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If you are struggling to identify all possible entry points, or just aren’t sure if your building is ready for the pests that cold weather brings, then make sure to give Wil-Kil Pest Control a call. We’ll be able to check any of the spots you may have missed and make the proper recommendation.

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