Wil-Kil Pest Control

Commercial Birds: The Dangers and How to Prevent Them

Bird peeking over edge of roof.

Whether you’re the proud owner of an expanding small business, the CEO of a major corporation or an employee at the largest manufacturing facility in town, you know birds can pose a dangerous threat to your brand. Nesting and roosting birds, such as pigeons, starlings and sparrows, choose to intrude on commercial businesses because they are protected from predators, close to food and water sources, and find warmth in and around the electrical signage. Bird mitigation and prevention can have a major impact on commercial bird infestations. Listed below are some of the most common threats that birds pose on businesses and popular methods of controlling and preventing these flying pests.

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Problems Caused By Birds

      1. Fouling. Unwanted bird droppings fall right out of the sky (literally) and put people and property at risk. Fouled pavement is a safety hazard due to the chance of slips and falls. Fouling also has the ability to accelerate rotting and corrosion of a building’s facade. Additionally, bird poop can spoil raw or finished goods in company vehicles nearby, which results in financial loss. And last, but certainly not least, bird droppings contain bacteria, viruses and parasites that can easily spread by contaminating food and surfaces that people eat and touch on a regular basis. Finding a bird in your facility is, quite literally, just as bad as finding a rat.
      2. Physical Damage. Larger birds, specifically pigeons, can easily shift and dislodge roof tiles and, if they gain access to the inside, can damage the insulation in and around the roof spaces. This damage can lead to costly repairs down the road.
      3. Spread Of Insects. If you have birds, chances are you have other pests. Fleas, ticks, lice, mites and other common insects are carried by birds and can infest their nests and spread ferociously around the building. And, once inside, these insects will find and create the perfect spot for creating a shelter and reproducing.
      4. Blocked Drainage Systems. Bird nests are typically found in gutters or drain pipes, quickly causing blockage and flooding.
      5. Aggressive Behavior. People walking near bird nesting areas can suffer from the aggressive behavior from birds that are protecting their young. Unfortunately, bird attacks are a real thing and can cause serious problems if they occur on or near your commercial property.



Bird Prevention Tactics

  1. Bird Spikes. A popular bird deterrent system is bird spikes. Bird spikes can be placed on even the most narrow surfaces for maximum coverage from these intruding pests. The spike stripes are easy to install and effectively create an uncomfortable space for birds to linger.
  2. Bird Netting. Another great option for bird prevention is to use bird netting. Bird netting is made of heavy-duty material that creates a physical barrier from birds to ensure that they are unable to reach popular nesting and roosting areas.
  3. Bird Wire. Bird wire is a useful bird deterrent system to use, especially on the rooftop of your business. Bird wire involves taut wires that span the distance of the problem area, preventing birds from landing successfully on the surface.

Professional Bird Control And Prevention Solutions

Controlling and preventing birds from negatively impacting your commercial establishment, production and approachability is extremely important. Wil-Kil Pest Control specializes in bird mitigation and prevention and is happy to help when it comes to shooing away those pesky birds. You can rely on our team to implement effective solutions so that all you can focus more on your business, and less on birds!

Give us a call for more information about commercial bird control!

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