10 08, 2012

Bugged? There’s A Dry Reason Why, Expert Says

August 10th, 2012|News|

People in the region may have rejoiced when the lack of rain kept mosquitoes from attacking. However, the hot, dry weather has brought other pests to the area and allowed for a “breeding bonanza.”

9 08, 2012

Weather Conditions Fuel Bumper Crop Of Insects In Green Bay Area

August 9th, 2012|News|

While people have struggled with the weather that parched Northeastern Wisconsin earlier this year and then soaked it recently, some insects have been feasting. And experts say some bugs may continue to cause problems into the fall.

6 08, 2012

Drought Impact: Wisconsin’s Dry Weather Impacts Bug Populations

August 6th, 2012|News|

This summer, there has been an increase in bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, pillbugs millipedes and earwigs. Certified associate entomologist and Wisconsin pest control master technician Doug Degner, who is a sales and service manager for Sun Prairie-based Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control, said the drought conditions have pushed insects inside.

6 07, 2012

Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control’s Pest of the Month: The Flea

July 6th, 2012|Flying Insects, News|

In 2011 Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control, a Menomonee Falls based pest control company, saw a 20 percent increase in flea jobs and already this year there’s been a 10 percent increase over last year. Many times when a customer complains of bites, Terminix Wil-Kil's pest control experts can't help but jump to the bed bug as the culprit considering its current epidemic status. However, we quickly forget about the pest that had affected the entire course of human history and caused more loss of life than almost all wars combined: the flea.

10 05, 2012

Terminix Wil-Kil was featured on a Channel 26 NBC story: Hard to See, Not Hard to Find

May 10th, 2012|News|

Terminix Wil-Kil was featured in a Channel 26 NBC in  Green Bay, WI . Bed Bugs: Hard to See, Not Hard to Find Randy Allen, [...]

10 05, 2012

Terminix Wil-Kil was featured on WBAY channel 2 in Green Bay, WI

May 10th, 2012|News|

Terminix Wil-Kil Talks about Bed Bug Boot Camp in Green Bay and a Live Demonstration of Canines on WBAY channel 2 in Green Bay, WI. Check out the video:

4 04, 2012

Bed Bugs on Your Commute? In Your Garage Sale Purchase? Stay Vigilant

April 4th, 2012|Bed Bugs, News|

Chicago ranked second last year for bed bug infestations. Experts attribute the rise to global travel; more garage sale and thrift store exchanges; and increased visits between homes and public spaces.

20 03, 2012

Warm weather means bugs out earlier than normal

March 20th, 2012|News|

Chippewa Valley (WQOW) - This warm weather means bugs are coming out earlier than normal.

20 03, 2012

Bed Bugs Don’t Make Good Spring Break Memories

March 20th, 2012|Bed Bugs, News|

We all want to remember our favorite spring break moments from the cool places we visited, the time at the beach, and being with our friends and family. A memory plagued by a bed bug infestation is not going leave a good taste on your tongue.

9 02, 2012

Terminix Wil-Kil Pest Control To Host Bed Bug Boot Camp

February 9th, 2012|Bed Bugs, News|

Experts will provide effective solutions to challenging bed bug problems

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