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13 03, 2025

Keeping Birds Out of Food Processing Facilities

March 13th, 2025|Bird control, Commercial, Food/beverage processing, Pest birds|

Food and beverage processors take careful steps to maintain clean environments, but the risks posed by birds are often overlooked. Pest birds such as pigeons [...]

1 01, 2022

Winter Bird Control for Commercial Businesses

January 1st, 2022|Bird control, Blog, Commercial|

  Winter has officially begun! Snow is falling, ice has started to gather on storm drains, and most birds have made their seasonal southbound departure [...]

26 06, 2019

Commercial Birds: The Dangers and How to Prevent Them

June 26th, 2019|Bird control, Blog, Pest birds|

Whether you’re the proud owner of an expanding small business, the CEO of a major corporation or an employee at the largest manufacturing facility in [...]

1 12, 2017

Pest-Proof Your Business Before Winter Strikes!

December 1st, 2017|Bird control, Blog, Cockroaches, Commercial, Education/daycare, Food/beverage processing, Food/non-food retail, Healthcare, Lodging & hospitality, Manufacturing, Multi-unit housing, Pests, Pre-audit IPM, Property management, Restaurant & food service, Retail, Rodents, Spiders, Warehousing & distribution|

While the weeks leading up to winter remain snow-free, you still have time to get out there and take the necessary precautions to keep winter [...]

20 05, 2015

Pest Birds Damage Your Facility And Your Image

May 20th, 2015|Bird control, Pest birds, Pest Prevention|

Have you ever been walking up the sidewalk to a business establishment only to see that unsightly view of bird droppings covering the area all around the building? You automatically look up—just in time to see the fly by shooting of a bird bomb splat right in front of you. Suddenly, your desire to do business has waned as you carefully step around the bird droppings in your retreat.

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